Juliet Morgan
FieldWorks Language Explorer (FLEx) is a linguistic database for lexicographical and text data collection and analysis. It is designed to help linguists organize linguistic data, create dictionaries, analyze text materials, and study morphology.
The FLEx II workshop will assume an existing foundation of knowledge from the FLEx I course or an equivalent from personal experience. While the FLEx I course focuses heavily on how to create a database, the FLEx II course will further explore what can be done with an existing database. Participants will learn how to bulk edit the lexicon; share a database with colleagues; set up orthographies and keyboards; analyze texts; use the concordance; use the collect words tool; generate and edit the grammar sketch; edit relevant list items; handle allomorphs and variants; edit relevant grammatical information; and further configure the dictionary.
Again, before the first class, workshop participants should download and install the latest stable release of FLEx (8.1.4 or later):http://fieldworks.sil.org/download/ No other software is needed for this class. Sample data sets and handouts with links to other useful software will be provided. "