Blurring the Lines

Marsha Hotch

Alice Taff

Time: 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Week 1: 19 - 22 June 2012

Meeting Location: 302 Watson Library

With a view toward balancing and merging the needs and interests of language revitalization communities on one-hand and research linguists on the other, we will explore the following questions: Why collaborate? How can we design projects together? What guidance can we provide to each other? What are the needs of each participant and how can they all be met? Who is in charge of the project and what difference does it make? How can we recognize and deal with conflicting cultural expectations hindering a project? Who “owns” the project results? Where can collaboration lead? We will address these questions and others through sharing example situations, and group discussion.


Dissemination: Internet & Multimedia


Language Activism