Data Management and Archiving

Nick Thieberger

Link to Syllabus

Location: MAC Lone Star
Week 1: Monday, June 16-Thursday, June 19
Period 3: 2:15-3:45 pm

This course will focus on the creation of good data from linguistic fieldwork.  The basic principle advocated is to create data once in the appropriate format so that it can be reused many times.  From the recording through analysis, to the archive and community focused outputs, how can we keep track of what we have done and what stage of processing it is at?  How can we transform data from the output of one tool to the input of another?  What tools and processes can we use and what does each of them do?  This course will contextualise some of the other courses at CoLang, showing how the various tools that are being taught fit into a workflow and stressing the importance of allowing the underlying data to flow between tools and then into an archive.  There will be a practical session on using regular expressions as part of this course.



Community Language Archives